June 1, 2023

June 1 is Marilyn Monroe's birthday

June 1 is Marilyn Monroe's birthday

Marilyn Monroe is one of the most famous people of the 20th century. She was a talented actress and singer.

We have prepared some interesting facts for you:

™️"Marilyn Monroe" is a stage name. The real name of this actress was Norma Jean Baker. "Monroe" is the maiden name of Marilyn Monroe's mother.

😓Her mother suffered from mental disorders, so Marilyn was sent to a foster family. From the age of nine, she moved from many foster homes, namely 11.

💄You can still buy her signature red lipstick.
Monroe's sultry red hue was a combination of many colors, but according to InStyle, her makeup artist most notably used Ruby Red from Max Factor.

🎧Her house had a sophisticated state-level listening system to record her calls.

🥀Joe DiMaggio remained devoted to Marilyn Monroe even after their divorce and her death. He delivered roses to her grave twice a week for 20 years after her death.

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