23 June - National Holiday Day
🏖Vacation-time that we all need for reboot and rest. For this day we have prepared some interesting facts about the vacation and tourism.
📋Holiday planning can already make you 8% happy.
❌"No Release Syndrome" is a term that appeared in the United States. The average holiday in America lasts only 10 working days ( 20% of Americans refuse it).
🔝France, Italy, China, USA and Spain are among the top 5 countries that attract the largest number of tourists in the world.
💰Many experiments and studies show that money spent on travel and trips makes a person happier than money spent on goods.
✈️Every 60 seconds, 2173 people arrive in another country.
🧳More than 50 pieces of luggage are lost every minute.
Have you already been on vacation this year or are you just planning to? If you have a desire, you can share it in the comments.