March 19, 2020

5 Insider Tips and Tricks to Reach Superstardom on Instagram Akin to a Celebrity

Instagram can be termed as the lifeline for teenagers and young adults the world over. From travel buffs to movie fans, all of them like to update their whereabouts. From the teaser of the next song by Drake to the latest Champions League goal by Christiano Ronaldo, Instagram is always buzzing and offers more reasons for its users to enjoy it. For businesses too, it is like a treasure trove of data for them as most of their target audience uses Instagram 24/7.

Have you ever thought of using Instagram to earn money or become insanely famous just like the celebrities mentioned above? We know all of them to have millions of fans, and they earn a handsome amount too just by sharing their pictures, videos, or acting as an influencer. Of course, initially, no one can touch the stardom overnight, but with some tricks and insider tips, anyone can make sure his account gets hundreds of thousands of views.
The following are the five tips and tricks to make this happen.

1. Caption It

We all share hundreds of pictures on Instagram, but only one or two pictures go viral if any. We try different poses, designer clothes, and everything in our power to come up with a picture that can give us that glamourous moment. But have you ever thought about putting up captions that can work wonders for you? While many people do give captions, here I am talking about captions that can highlight a picture or make it count.

A humorous or witty caption can increase the chance manifold for a picture or video to go the distance. Infusing humor, the right way will work wonders for your profile.

2. Short Video Clips

Short and funny video clips are very famous and seen by people of all ages. This is one way to make your account famous amongst your target audience. Video clips less than 1 minute in length are extremely popular and seen by virtually everyone who comes across them. Again, funny and witty content is what works well.

While there is Instagram TV so that you can upload videos of around 1 hour by using the desktop version, on the mobile version the maximum size of the video is 15 minutes. So, keep this aspect in mind while uploading videos.

3. Answer the Questions and Give Reply Comments

Not every picture or video is self-explanatory, and you must be ready to answer anyone looking for an answer. If you don’t, even a stellar picture will be of no use to you as people looking at it will not be able to decipher what a picture is trying to connote. You may think that you are a nobody, so who would want to get in touch with you? Let me offer you some more information here so that you can understand my viewpoint well.

You must have seen interactions on Facebook and other platforms, as this is a good way for businesses to conduct social media marketing through interacting with their potential customers. Celebrities also answer questions on their profiles and also reply to the comments. In this way, they keep in touch with their fans and the general public, and that’s a great way to increase your fanbase and make your post viral.

4. Build the Anticipation

Keeping the date of their new release or spilling the beans about a new project’s start date is just a few ways in which celebrities give teasers about their upcoming endeavours. Similarly, building the hype for a product launch by companies and big businesses is also a similar ploy. So, what can you learn from this, and what can you offer to your followers?

Read on.

For example, any of us can think about posting similar pictures or text to tease our followers about a road trip we have just completed. Some of your followers will be interested in knowing about the details of your trip, pictures, and videos, especially if it is about a place they haven’t visited. In this way, you can build the hype slowly or bombard your followers through a series of pictures hiding the real scenery or object.

There are thousands of ways to build anticipation but don’t overdo it. A long delay in unveiling all the pictures or videos can result in the user interest dying down. So, let this happen and plan the teasers accordingly.

5. Don’t Post any Picture or Video that Supports Hatred

Amid all the glitz and glamour, there’s a dark side of Instagram that we need to think of. Along with all the praise, teenagers and young people face bullying, hatred, and trolling for most of their pictures. This can result in making sure you haven’t left any stone unturned in making your profile safe from any mishap.

There are already some anti-bullying measures from Instagram to make things easier for users to handle their profiles. One is for the user’s comments, and the second is the restriction mode.

Keeping your profile clear from such posts will do a lot of good for you in the long run. Even an unintentional post done for humour can ruin the chances of your profile to get a shot at fame. In worst cases, your profile cab is blocked, although Instagram has less strict restrictions than LinkedIn or Twitter, for example.

Over to you

If anyone from the readers of this post thinks that they can add something valuable to this blog, they are welcome. And you can ask a question from me concerning anything that you haven’t understood and want clarification about.
Please use the comments section below in this regard, and I will get back to you at my earliest.

Over to you

Muneeb Qadar Siddiqui is a digital marketer having to spend a good part of his life in the Middle East. Currently working for Branex Web Design Dubai Company, he is one of the most experienced marketers who knows how to tap in a marketplace and help his customers. Through new and innovative marketing ways, he has helped his customers capture their target audience’s attention. When he is not at his desk, he likes to explore nature through travelling.Â