Why Should You Use Cheap Web Hosting
When many people start their online business, they will often look for a cheap hosting plan. In many cases, they will opt for a shared plan as it very cheap. However, it is normally not that long after they acquire their plan that they discover it is no longer meeting their business needs, particularly if their website is growing at a faster rate than they anticipated.
however, there are times when it may be a good choice. If you are currently deciding on whether or not to get a cheap hosting plan, the following is a guide to help you decide if low price hosting is the right hosting solution for your online business endeavors.
Creating Multiple Websites: The majority of low price hosting plans operate in a shared web hosting environment. In this type of environment, you will be sharing a single server with many webmasters. If you are planning on creating and running multiple websites, a cheap web hosting plan may not be the best solution. With so many webmaster on a single server, the system can become overwhelmed with high traffic using up all of the bandwidth which will greatly decrease the performance of your websites and even take them temporarily off-line. It would be better to choose a dedicated hosting or VPS.
Ease of Use: Cheap hosting is very easy to use and users have the benefit of helpful tutorials to assist them. For a novice webmaster this is very beneficial when just starting out on the web.
Software Applications: If you are going to be installing and using web applications on your server, shared hosting is not the right choice because shared hosting does not permit user installation of software applications. The host uses its own software configuration on a shared server.
Costs: If you have a really small budget and are lacking sufficient start up costs, you may think shared hosting is a good choice however, shared hosting is not that much cheaper than VPS hosting, and with VPS hosting you get more server resources.
When deciding which web hosting plan to use, it is important to determine your current and future needs such as bandwidth, flexibility, memory, security, etc. When you know your website needs and your budget, you will be in a better position to choose the best web hosting plan that can help you achieve success on the web.