September 7, 2020

What is a normal platelet count

What is a normal platelet count?

Platelets -small cells that help stop bleeding and clotting - are a very important part of your blood. But how many platelets should pass through your bloodstream?

Average Platelet Count

The average platelet count in the blood is between 150,000 and 400,000. Because platelets live in the body for about 10 days, your bone marrow produces millions of platelets a day. The average platelet count for women is between 157,000 and 371,000 microliters. The average blood count for men is 135,000 to 317,000 microliters.

Abnormal Platelet Count

If your platelet count is higher or lower than normal, it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition, or it could be a side effect of the drug. More than 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood is called thrombocytosis. If the platelets do not function properly, excess platelets can cause unwanted clotting or bleeding. Less than 150,000 platelets per microliter of blood is called thrombocytopenia. Less than 10,000 are considered severe thrombocytopenia.

When your platelet count drops, it causes dangerous internal bleeding. Find out more about the reasons for the decrease in platelet size on our blog.