November 26, 2020

Creating a 3D Motion Video about Travis Scott

I welcome everyone. It's already the third week I've been creating a fan video about the artist Travis Scott. At the previous stage, we were creating a rough rendering of our scenes, now our task is to fill the scenes, paint and add our 3d elements. We make a nice picture, add the footage, and move on.

Beautiful animation of characters, smooth picture, cool :)
What are the main and most memorable attributes of Travis? That's right - branded Jordan
And what is a performer without a concert? Yes, not any, so we will have a concert!

Now you can see dramatic changes with the previous version sof the video. Now i am making edits, bringing the scenes to perfection, and soon i will be preparing a new article for you, where i will tell you about textures, lighting and creating a beautiful picture that will certainly catch your eye!

See you!