April 21, 2022

Minima node installation guide

Minima — a decentralized PoW blockchain that can even be deployed on mobile and loT devices.

Minima has a small file size and a large set of options it can be applied. This means Minima is small enough to run as an app on a mobile or IoT device, making it open and easy to use. This flexibility, ease of access, and inclusiveness opens up a wide range of potential use cases for Minima.

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Server rental

Rent a server, for example, on Contabo. The following characteristics are suitable for Minima: 2 CPU, 4 GB RAM, & the Ubuntu 20.04 OS. An example of such server is at the link.

If you rented a server for Aptos as recommended with 4 CPUs and 8 GM RAM, then you can add Minima to Aptos, these nodes do not conflict with each other.

Connection to server

To connect to the server on Windows, use PuTTy.

  • Paste server IP to “Host Name” and click “Open”
  • In the opened tab, write the command: root;
  • Press “Enter” and paste the password from the server, then “Enter”

On macOS, launch the Terminal.

  • Enter the server with the command (change IP_ADDRESS to the server IP):ssh root@IP_ADDRESS
  • Next, enter “yes”, press “Enter,” and paste the server password (the icon with the key will hide the entered password). Press “Enter”.

Node installation

After a successful connection to your server, enter the commands to install the node:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install wget -y
wget -O minima_setup.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minima-global/Minima/master/scripts/minima_setup.sh && chmod +x minima_setup.sh && sudo ./minima_setup.sh -r 9002 -p 9001

Wait for the logs, press CTRL + C, and register on the website. After logging in, you need your INCENTIVE ID.

Go to the Terminal and paste the command:

curl ID

Instead of INCENTIVE ID, paste your ID from your account and press “Enter”.

This completes the installation. You should see the last ping in your account, and rewards will be added over time. If you still have questions, you can always ask them in our chat.

Commands for checking logs, status, and restart:

journalctl -n 100 -f -u minima_9001
systemctl status minima_9001
systemctl restart minima_9001

Node installation guide for Android

If you don't have the opportunity to rent and maintain a server, you can install the Minima node on Android v9 or higher.

To do this, download the application on your phone using the link. Next, open the app and enable the battery settings so Minima runs in the background.

After installing the app, register on the site. After registration you need to copy your INCENTIVE

Next, paste the INCENTIVE ID in the Minima application in the "Incentive Program" section and click "Update".

For more details follow the link

This completes the installation. You should see the last ping in your account, and rewards will be added over time. If you still have questions, you can always ask them in our chat.

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