April 13, 2023

Will Napolini: Everyone’s In Sales

In this video, I'm going to be talking to you about the sales mindset. And really what I see, you know, that's really prevalent out there in business owners is that they don't look at themselves as salespeople. You know, they may be really strong at operations or they might be really analytical and they kind of just say like, oh, I'm not a salesperson.

And what you really need to understand is that every single person is in sales, whether you like it or not. Do you know what I mean? Basically being an effective salesperson is essentially having the ability to effectively communicate in a cohesive manner. So whether that's you're in a relationship and you want to go away on holiday or you want to go out to a certain restaurant to eat, that is basically a sales environment.

Or if you work within a company and you've got people that are on your team, you're going to need to sell your ideas and get them to buy in. So really having this sales mindset is really such an important tool and it's such an important aspect for you to really start to kind of identify with yourself as being a salesperson and to fully understand that it's importance in your business. As the founder of a business or as a sales manager.

There is nothing that is more important than the ability to be able to sell. And you really need to kind of get all in on this and really understand that it doesn't have to be that kind of negative stigma around it about being like a sleazy car salesman or anything like that, right? It's really just about what you need to think of is that no value is created until a transaction is made. So you might be super proud of the services that you offer, but the reality of it is that nothing happens until something is sold.

So if you can't effectively communicate your value proposition and more importantly, if you can't get people to commit and actually take action and follow through and pull the trigger on making an investment to basically hire you for your services, then nothing else matters. It doesn't matter how good your ads are or how good your products and services are, you're not actually selling them. And if you don't have the ability to do that in a really effective manner, then all of that is just wasted.

And so what you really want to do is just understand that this is a serious thing that you really need to commit to and really go all in to Master. And you really need to start looking at yourself as a salesperson and gearing your company to being a sales geared organization and having that as the tip of the spear, right? So I always say that sales trumps all. If you've got the sales component really dialed in to your business and you're successful at doing that, there's really no problem that you can't go out there and solve.

If you've got more sales coming in, that means that you can hire the best talent, the best people to come and work for you and you can afford to pay them, because you have the ability to sell. And a really important distinction to make is that while you might be the founder right now, and you might be doing the one to one selling, or you might have a team of salespeople, and they're the ones that are doing the sale. I'm saying that you, as the founder of the business, you need to be the best salesperson that is in your company.

And that doesn't mean that you're going to be on the phone actually closing clients and bringing in money and things like that. No, it just means that you have the ability to do that. And also you understand all the different things that have to happen in order to be able to get new clients and to be able to effectively communicate what your value is to the marketplace.

So, whether you're doing the selling or if you have a sales team, this whole course is really going to just benefit the way that you think about things and the way that you approach them. So if you're off the tools and you're not doing the selling, you're still going to get a ton of value from this. Because ultimately, you're going to need to be motivating your team, motivating your sales team, motivating your staff, and really effectively selling your company for people to want to come and work there, for prospects to want to come and work with you.

And it's really an important distinction to really think about how do you gear your company to be really sales focused. And so everyone within your company understands what a vitally important part this is. This is the oxygen to a business.

If you don't have sales, nothing else matters. So if you've got any negative connotations or associations towards being a salesperson, I really kind of invite you just to get rid of those and to understand that you don't need to be a used car sleazy salesperson to basically sell in the 21st century. It is not about that.

It's about educating, it's about providing value. And it's really about understanding that nothing happens in your business until something is sold. So the action item for this video is for you just to go away and kind of think about what being a salesperson means to you.

Do you identify as being a salesperson? Do you have a sales team, whatever that is, kind of think about it and really kind of come up with your own meaning of what it means for you to be a salesperson. So go ahead and do that now and we'll see you in the next video.