October 31, 2021

Deck 21 43


too generous in praising or thanking somebody, or in saying sorry, so that you do not sound sincere and candid, maybe trying to flatter

He was fulsome in his praise of the Prime Minister.

to lap

[intransitive] (of water) to touch something gently and regularly, often making a soft sound

[transitive] lap something (of animals) to drink something with quick movements of the tongue

to adhere

​adhere (to something) to stick to something


a piece of cloth that is used as the inside surface of a garment (or a layer of different material covering the inside surface of something.)


(of a person, especially a woman) thin and attractive


a man who treats other people badly, especially by not being honest or moral


existing in large quantities; more than enough

to jinx

jinx somebody/something to bring bad luck in a mysterious way

there's safety in numbers

(saying) being in a group makes you safer and makes you feel more confident also there's strength in numbers


North American English also windshield wiper, British English also windscreen wiper)​a long metal part with a rubber edge that moves across a windscreen to make it clear of rain, snow, etc.


very bad or unpleasant


a person who is in a high position in a country or an organization but who has no real power or authority

to singe

burn superficially or lightly


very simple plants, such as seaweed, that have no real leaves, stems or roots, and that grow in or near water

not bat an eyelid (not bat an eye)

​(informal) to show no surprise or concern when something unusual happens


to mar something to damage something or make something less good or successful, marred = spoiled


(of places and living conditions) very dirty and unpleasant

(of situations or activities) involving low moral standards or dishonest behaviour

come round (come around)

(also come to) to become conscious again


extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself


a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something


perfectly clean, neat and tidy, with no marks or flaws SYNONYMS impeccable flawless spotless

to retain

retain something to keep something; to continue to have something SYNONYM preserve

Minced meat

verb to MINCE (also grind) means mince something - to cut food, especially meat, into very small pieces using a special machine (called a mincer) minced meat = the result of mincing SYNONYMS ARE ground meat = фарш мясной ground beef = говяжий ну и чтобы окончательно запутать если mincemeat пишется слитно то это фруктовая начинка для пирога :(​mincemeat - a mixture of dried fruit, spices, etc. used especially for making pies

to twart

to prevent somebody from doing what they want to do

Kindred soul

Someone with the same feelings or attitudes as oneself; kindred spirit.


(of a person) not lying down, and with the back straight rather than bent

placed in a vertical position upright freezer (= one that is taller than it is wide)

(of a person) behaving in a moral and honest way SYNONYM upstanding an upright citizen


(of a person) not accepted by society or by a particular group


small and weak

go off without a hitch

Without any problems at all; very smoothly, easily, or effortlessly.

to set out

to leave a place and begin a journey

to begin a job, task, etc. with a particular aim or goal