November 15, 2021

Deck 21 45


a large tree with spreading branches that produces smooth brown nuts inside cases that are covered with spikes. There are several types of chestnut tree.

Old chestnut

an old joke or story that has been told so many times that it is no longer funny or interesting


(especially of hair) grey or white because a person is old

to cut it out

(informal) used to tell somebody to stop doing or saying something annoying

to plunder

to steal things from a place, especially using force during a time of war

spit (to roast on a spit)

a long, thin, straight piece of metal that you put through meat to hold and turn it while you cook it over a fire

to grovel

to show too much respect to somebody who is more important than you or who can give you something you want


angry or sulky behaviour, especially because you cannot do or have what you want


a feeling of extreme pleasure and happiness

(according to some millenarian teaching) the transporting of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ.

to yank

pull, or move with a sudden movement


(especially in some societies in the past) a woman who lives with a man, often in addition to his wife or wives, but who is less important than they are

to ravage

​ravage something to damage something badly

to evict

evict somebody (from something) to force somebody to leave a house or land, especially when you have the legal right to do so

to rant

to speak or complain about something in a loud and/or angry way


the crime of deliberately setting fire to something, especially a building


​the act of giving more information than people want to hear about your personal life

to squander

spend thoughtlessly; throw away


[countable] the bottom part of a tree left in the ground after the rest has fallen or been cut down

the end of something or the part that is left after the main part has been cut, broken off or worn away


undertake something - to make yourself responsible for something and start doing it

undertake to do something | undertake that… to agree or promise that you will do something


[uncountable] criminal activities that involve sex or drugs

behaviour that is evil or immoral; a quality in somebody’s character that is evil or immoral


a stick that has the shape of a Y with a rubber band attached to it, used by children for shooting stones


​(specialist) the condition of being unable to see things clearly when they are far away

(formal, disapproving) the state of being unable to see what the results of a particular action or decision will be; the failure to think about anything outside your own situation

to brook

not brook something/not brook somebody doing something/brook no… to not allow something



contigent on

contingent (on/upon something) (formal) depending on something that may or may not happen


an organ like a bag in shape that produces milk and hangs under the body of a cow, goat, etc.

to bawl

shout loudly and without restraint


tending to find and call attention to faults (у слова caption - помимо значения "подпись", есть еще значение син. quibble)


naughtily or annoyingly playful


oversee somebody/something to watch somebody/something and make sure that a job or an activity is done correctly

to tuck in

​to make somebody feel comfortable in bed by pulling the covers up around them