100+ WPM
An average man Spend about 6.25 years of his lifetime on the keyboard typing emails, chatting, texting messages, and using social channels. If you increase your typing speed by 20%, you will save about 1.9 years of your lifetime. Typing is an essential skill required in every aspect, whether you are a student or looking for a job.
If you are an average typist, you must hit the score of 40 wpm. An average speed is considered good enough. However, professional positions demand 90 wpm speed or above. Along with being skilled in a job, invest your time to speed up your typing skills too.
Typing faster or typing above the average not only serves you a better job opportunity, but it will save around 2 years of your life too, as given above. It will help you raise individually to start your blog, be a productive writer, and be a pro typist. In this article, I will introduce you to the top-secret ways to type at the speed of 100 WPM.
Take our typingspeedtest.online for free! here We offer one minute , two minute, five minute, seven minute, ten minute, fifteen minute typing test which can be taken as many times as you want and your typing speed will be improved from time to time.
Start with a Fresh
Begin with Forgetting everything you know about typing. Do away with your old typing practices. If you are a daily keyboard user and still are a below-average typist, it indicates you must be following hunt and peck typing. Hunt and peck is an unprofessional, speed-eliminating, anti-speed friendly, old typing technique which slower your typing speed than usual. This tip will not let you achieve the 100 wpm target, quickly get rid of that.
Individuals resort to hunt and peck typing use just one finger of both hands for typing, which ultimately slower their speed. This informal typing method has held/kept many individuals below the average (10-30 wpm) speed. Here, the typist is involved in looking at the keyboard instantly with pressings each key individually.
Although you may be comfortable with hunt and peck as it avoids mental pain during typing, you need to upgrade to smart typing techniques to increase efficiency. Typing faster isn't to look cool at all, but it is a way to bring time back (to get done more in less time), so you can spend time doing what you love. (AKA writing. ha!)
Follow Proper Finger Placement Technique
Afterhunt and peck, kick off with the correct typing technique. These are the hidden techniques from the below-average typist. It is crucial, yet many of us are unfamiliar with this technique, we wonder, "do such a thing exists"?
Hunt and peck will let just your daily task done. You have to go for expert tips to execute. Speed-friendly typing techniques aren't be hidden anymore in this article. Let's explore pro tips.
Fingers and their home keys
Using all ten fingers is mandatory while typing to improve your speed by 100+ wpm. Even your pinky finger should not be resting out of the keyboard.
Right now, take a look at your keyboard. Have you noticed there is a little bump on the F and J keys? It is to create a keyboard map on your mind so that you don't have to take a look at the keyboard repetitively. It is simply to help you type faster.
Understand the keyboard layout
Note: This is for the "QWERT" keyboard format.
Your keyboard should be divided into two parts. The left hand should be resting on the left side of the keyboard, and the right hand should be on the right side of the keyboard. The color-coded image below will aid you with a clear idea of how to divide and use a keyboard.
F and J keys are the home keys for your left and right index finger, respectively. Similarly, ASDF and JKL are called "Home row" as we always start from them and return to them constantly.
Fingers and their respective keys are as follows:
Left-hand fingers
Use pinky finger for 1, Q, A, and Z keys.
Use ring finger for 2, W, S, and X keys.
Use middle finger for 3, E, D, and C keys.
Use index finger for 4, R, F, V, 5, T, G, and B keys.
Right-hand fingers
Use pinky finger for 0, -, =, p, [, ], , ;, ', and / keys.
Use ring finger for 9, O, L,and . keys.
Use middle finger for 8, I, K and , keys.
Use index finger for 6, Y, H, N, 7, U, J, and M keys.
Practice typing using the proper finger placement technique, and you will notice results within 2 weeks of continuous exercise. Using all the ten fingers may look difficult in the beginning because your index and Pinky finger are mostly underdeveloped. As to make them flexible and to use regularly, it will take some time investment too.
Why use proper finger placement technique?
- Minimize the distance between fingers and keys. The minimum distance your finger travel, the more you type faster.
- It let your finger memorize the keyboard so that you don't have to look repetitively at the keyboard while typing. Now your finger will know where each key is located and to which key they belong. By this, your fingers will learn where to start from and return accordingly. You will act subconsciously as a typing pro.
- You will form an "internal keyboard map" in your mind so that by next time you don't need to act. Your subconscious mind will act accordingly. You don't even need to remember as work will be carried automated. Go with this ultra ProMax typing technique and rid off bent out of shape over wondering, for pity's sakes, twerk semicolon location. Mastering the above step will lead you to our next step.
Touch Typing
Touch Typing? Is there something like a touch keyboard? Do we need to use a smartphone or tablet to type? Obviously No. Touch typing is truly the opposite of The hunt and peck typing technique. The term touch typing refers to typing without looking at the keyboard. Here a suspect type looking at the screen. This technique insists you correct typos you made while typing. Touch typing is the foundation of speed.
Earlier, when I started typing, I repeatedly used to look at my hand while typing. After I finished typing, I get to meet a lot of typos, misspelled words, and false use of columns and semi-columns. Fixing those errors in typing consume my lot of time than it would have to be.
Touch typing prevents you from these circumstances. You will also begin to memorize keys placement, and more quickly you will type out by practice.
How to master touch typing?
Mastering a keyboard means Expertise over touch typing. Here's how you can do this.
Sit in Typing Posture.
The correct typing posture will give you a physical boost and keep you relax while typing. Maintaining proper posture is directly related to your typing speed.
- Sit straight and remember to keep your back straight with your foot flat on the floor.
- Bent your elbow at the right angle.
- Maintain the distance of at least 40-70 inches between your eye and screen.
- Face the screen with a slightly tilted neck.
- Keep your shoulder, arm, and wrist in a relaxed position.
Feel the Placement of the Keys
Do not matter whether you type slowly but type by feeling the location of keys. Don't rush when you just started learning. You won't be able to speed up until your fingers learn to hit the right key out of habit. Try writing your name with your eyes closed. Practice this when chatting with your friends on social media. Repeat this is exercise daily until you identify each key by touch only.
Make your Way
Don't let constricted from professional techniques if they don't work for you. If you feel uncomfortable with them, do not opt for them. Try to speed up on your own, by what makes you more comfortable, until it impacts or stops you from achieving the 100+ wpm target.
Remember that proper finger placement technique Vary on different typists. It is because everyone has a distinct size of hands and fingers. So using particular fingers for typing certain letters will not work for many individuals.
You need to figure out what works better for you. If that will help you achieve a hundred plus target, without hesitation, go for that technique. Whether you are using four fingers or using an index finger to press keys that Pinky finger needs to do, doesn't matter.
Remember, if your technique doesn't bring changes (progress), typically within 2-3 weeks in your typing speed, quit immediately and switch to another technique.
Note: Correct finger placement is a universal technique followed by every professional to achieve speed. Hence we highly recommend you to try this technique even if you are feeling uncomfortable with it. However, it may be difficult at the beginning continuity will make it easy for you within a month. Finding your way of typing will consume a lot of time in execution and observing the results. If you have more than one technique, it will take you around six months to notice results from each. It Looks like flitter away time and has no skills in hand.
How long does it take to type 100 wpm?
Well, it depends on you. You can achieve this target within "2" months or it can more than 6, determined by the amount of time you spend on practicing and implementing the correct technique.
Our research show, starting typing speed is 50 wpm after several hours of correct finger placement learning.
The surprising fact is it took 20 hours to type 80 wpm, 52 hours to reach 100 wpm. To achieve the 119 wpm target, it will take 108 hours of practice.
Note: Not in all cases.
Comparing with days, it took 20 days (20 hours of practicing) to go from 0 to 80 wpm. From 0 to 100, it takes 45 days to go (52 hours of practicing).
It is quite interesting to know that if you want to add "1" wpm to your current speed, it will take 2 hours and 45 minutes of practice for you.
If your speed is 50 wpm, to achieve 51 wpm, you need to practice for around 3 hours.
"20" hours equivalent to 80 wpm. Not a big deal to invest time, especially for hunt and peck typists.
If want an exact figure, it takes 60 hours to reach 100 wpm.
We do not guarantee you 100% accuracy of this data. There can be a little different depending on your practice. But yes, it is an exact (Round figure).
Hence we suggest you manage a schedule for being a pro typist. Give at least 2-3 hours daily on typing. Engage in clubs and contests and learn from experts. Make use of online tools to practice. Figure out errors you made correctly, and also don't forget to focus on accuracy too.
What is a good score for typing wpm?
Typing speed clocked at 40 wpm is considered to be good typing speed ( An average). Some professionals also type at speed of 80 WPM or even more.
An overview is given below for you clear idea. Let's take a look at each.
10 to 30 wpm: Consider to be below the average line. Need to focus more on proper tying technique.
40 wpm: Average typing speed. Require minimum efforts for improvement.
50 wpm: Appreciate yourself for being above average scorer.
60 wpm: Opportunity attraction center! High-end typing jobs demand an individual at 60 wpm speed.
70 wpm: You are already easily qualified for any job, as your typing accuracy is high enough.
80 wpm: Away apart from professional. You are the need of high-end typing job positions.
90 wpm: A role model for an average typist! You must be a genius.
100 wpm: belong to 1% population of a typist. Congratulations on being typing Godfather!
Fast fact: The highest typing speed ever recorded is 216 words per minute (wpm). It is set by Stella Pajunas in 1946 using the "QWERT" keyboard layout on IBM electric typewriter. Currently, Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist in English, clocked at 212 wpm speed Using DVORAK simplified keyboard.
Is it Possible to type 100 wpm?
Yes. The above data shows us that it is possible to achieve 100 wpm speed by executing the correct typing technique and continuous practice in the right direction. Nothing is impossible without practice.
Speed isn't overnight driven result. Given so-called Pro techniques are just to bring you on the right path for being typing. It is the primary thing. But it is a practice that will deliver you results, the secondary mania.
Professional who type above average with no time has practiced 3 times more than an average wpm scorer. It is a practice that held them to their current position. Triple you practice for 100 wpm achievement.
Remember: Practice is the Key.
Final Words
So from this article, you know the top-secret ways to type at a speed of 100 Wpm. Only 5% of people in the world have this speed, which is a fast one and will help you become more productive. Type as fast as you can speak. It is much faster because on average a person will speak 80-200 WPM. Proper finger positioning plays the most important role in fast typing. It will help you raise individually to start your blog, be a productive writer, and be a pro typist.