children's literature
March 18, 2021


Children Literature Mahube- Temani Nkalolang


Have you heard of Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who skipped school and inspired the world to fight climate change? Or Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl who as a child fought for the rights of girls in her locality to education.

Mahube resounds like these great sheroes of our time. She stands against child molestation and abuse; leading a revolution for a just and better world.

It is revolutionary that a young girl (probably a teenager) after hearing that her childhood friend (Tlhong) has been molested and inappropriately touched by her uncle would decide to take matters into her own hands.

First, she reports the matter to Tlhong's mother, who doesn't believe her and thinks she wants to destroy her family.
This action of Tlhong's mother doesn't deter her from getting justice for her friend.

She goes further to report to her class teacher; who then reports it to the principal.
The principal and teacher confronts Tlhong's mother who at first is adamant because she feels her brother is a good man who took them in when her husband abandoned them. However, the teacher made her see reason and to think of Tlhong's well-being first. The police was called in and Tlhong's uncle was arrested.
An initiative was set up by the school which is guidance and counseling office to sensitise students on child sexual abuse.

In Mahube, we see how one girl's (Mahube) resolve made all the difference and brought justice.
One act has led to a national response as the parliament is making plans of setting up a special unit in every police precinct to respond to child sexual abuse as a matter of urgency.

Temani Nkalolang's children story is beautifully written. I love that it has some Setswana proverbs which make it unique.
She rightly brings out themes of friendship, abuse, depression, revolution, justice and healing not just for children but adults alike.

I love the progression of the story, it follows a chronological order. A crime was committed, Justice was sought and found and healing followed.