October 30, 2020

Is Your Essay Correct or Not? Common Type of Mistakes in Essay Writing

One of the most common things when it comes to academics is writing countless articles, assignments, and essays.

Mistakes are often overlooked when you are writing something. These can be grammatical or structural mistakes, or something else. We use online proofreading services to correct those mistakes but poor-quality content or alignment also needs to be taken care of. Online tools do not work effectively on these types of mistakes.

To help you write better quality essays, these are the common type of mistakes that we would do well to avoid.

1). Content mistakes in essay

  • Quality of content, lack of relevant facts, and figure to support the thesis statement.
  • Always start with a good introduction to supporting facts.
  • Write a strong thesis statement; if you don’t have relevant data to support it then avoid writing a thesis statement.
  • Throw in as much as facts and figures to support your idea.
  • Always end with a meaningful conclusion.

2). Stylistic mistakes in essays

  • Tautologies or word repetitions; try to not using the same words and sentences again and again.
  • Avoid using a mix of formal and informal sentences.
  • Avoid using passive sentences since they are informal and often sound impersonal.

3). Structural mistakes in essays

  • Fragmented sentences and run-on sentences can be avoided, as they unnecessarily increase the length of sentences.
  • Follow proper essay with outlines, which will not only reduce the chances of any structural error but also help align the essay.

These are mistakes which can be avoided or corrected to improve the overall quality of your essay, some other mistakes such as

  • Grammatical mistakes
  • Vocabulary mistakes
  • Spelling mistakes

Source: https://www.writesmartly.com/blog/is-your-essay-correct-or-not-writesmartly/


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