[EN] XYRMA BOT’s list of commands
Technical commands:
· !commandlis| !commands| !help- displays a list of bot commands
· !error — beginning a message with this command, you can send an error report
· !admin — beginning a message with this command, you can send your message to the admin
· !translate [error text] - Calls an error handler, that lets you report incorrect translation of commands.
Statistics commands:
· !stat [nickname] [days] - displays an image of the pilot's statistics. If you specify the number of days in the [days] argument, it displays statistics for these days.
· !textstat [nickname] - displays text data for the pilot's statistics. If you specify the number of days in the [days] argument, it displays statistics for these days.
· !ovstat [nickname] - displays general and corporate pilot's statistics
· !pvpstat [nickname] - displays the pilot's PvP data
· !пвестат[nickname] - displays the pilot's PvE data
· !коопстат[nickname] - displays the pilot's COOP data
· !comp [nickname 1] [nickname 2] [days] — you can compare the general statistics of two pilots. If you specify the number of days in the [days] argument, it displays statistics for these days.
· !pvpcomp[nickname 1] [nickname 2] - you can compare the PvP statistics of two pilots.
· !pvecomp[nickname 1] [nickname 2] - you can compare the PvE statistics of two pilots.
· !coopcomp[nickname 1] [nickname 2] - you can compare the COOP statistics of two pilots.
· !bg— allows you to customize your statistics or your corporation members statistics (background, avatar).
· !top [nickname] - displays the pilot's position in the top at the time of 00: 00.
· !toppvp- display the 30 most active players among all the players recorded in the database by the number of PvP games played over the past day.
· !topwin- display the top 30 players recorded in the database by the value of wins in PvP over the past day.
· !toploss- displays the 30 players with the highest number of defeats in PvP over the past day.
· !topkill- displays the top 30 players recorded in the database for the value of kills in PvP over the past day.
· !topdeath - displays the top 30 among all players recorded in the database by the value of deaths in PvP over the past day.
· !topassists - displays the top 30 players recorded in the database by the value of assists in PvP for the last day.
· !topdamage- displays the top 30 players recorded in the database by the value of damage in PvP over the past day.
Help of commands in the Open World:
· !loot[location] - displays a full list of modules, weapons, and modifiers that can be obtained at this location.
· !loot[ship] - displays a list of locations where you can find unique items ONLY for this ship. Command works for craft ships and craft-prem ships, and for DLC ships that have THEIR OWN ITEMS which are NOT SUITABLE FOR OTHER SHIPS.
· !loot [resource] - gives information where a certain type of mineral drops from ordinary stones.
· !craft [ship] - displays a list of resources needed to build a specific ship.
· !drone [location] - helps you find the closest drone to your current location. Displays a screenshot of the area with the drone, the name of the location, and approximate coordinates.
· !map- displays a map of the Open World.
Additional commands:
· !onserver- sends instructions for adding the bot to your server.
· !contacts- displays information about responsible persons in bot development and corporate positions
· !path- drops a link to the patchnout
P.s. - words written in square brackets are arguments. In other words, you write the necessary data without brackets, write-in the values you need there.