227 applications for $2.61 for cleaning in Dubai with ROMI 2 253.47%
The main indicators of the advertising company:
Amount of costs: 2172.11 AED ($591.39)
Number of applications: 227
Price per application: 9.57 AED ( 2.61$ )
Number of clicks: 1193
CPC: 1.82 AED ($0.50)
As you know, in the UAE, in particular in Dubai, there is a fairly high CPM (Cost per 1000 impressions). With us, it was not very high for this region, namely $ 7.69, since they took a fairly wide audience
2 advertising campaigns were launched, each with 2 ad groups. However, after 2-3 days, one of the companies was turned off.
There are 4 layouts in each group, but after a week 5 layouts were turned off, as a result, the 3 most effective ones remained, which consistently brought results and applications for 8.85 AED - 9.80 AED
Let's move on to the main thing - the payback of advertising:
During this period, 48 (average value 47-49) orders for cleaning, dry cleaning were completed from advertising only with an average bill of 1065 AED.
Total (revenue): 51,120 AED (≈$14,000)
Recall that advertising costs amounted to 2172.11 AED ($591.39), so we can calculate our ROMI:
ROMI = 2 253,47%
Work with the client continues to this day for six months
To increase your profits and the number of sales, I will be happy to help you set up targeted advertising using marketing tools
For communication:
Telegram: +375 44 798 86 15 / @yana_scherbo
Instagram: @yana_scherbo