May 25, 2020


1)In my opinion, my English has changed. I improved my English. Because, I did lots of homework and learnt lots of theme. For example: reading, writing, speaking, etc. Also, the main fact is my English teacher is very great and creative teacher. He always gives us very creative, useful, and interesting exercises.

2) Until ninth grade, I have no any motivation to learning English. I thought, that my marks are more important than learning English. However, in the ninth grade I understood that marks are not so important than learning and understanding English. After this situation, I have my motivation towards learning English and that is very great and useful for me. In recent time, I don't use my translator. This is a great progress.

3)As I said, I have a motivation to learning and studying English. Because, English will help me in my work, exams, and the main for me is travelling. I and my family really like travel. Because of this I must do my homework, exercises, and the main is study and learn more and more. I prefer English, because English is really interesting than other language. Also, if I will continue to study English, I will know three language perfectly.

I really thank you for everything, that have done for us.