June 20, 2023


🤔Is it allowed to do black activities on servers

No, we don’t allow black activities on servers that aren’t designed for it.

🤔In which locations are the servers hosted?

Our servers are hosted in Sweden and Finland based on AMD Ryzen 9 5950x processor up to 5GHz. If you can't find the location or rate you're looking for, email tech support and we'll find the right location/tariff to host you.

🤔 Is the data retained after extending the tariff configuration?

Yes, the data is completely and irretrievably only when you reinstall the OS, or when the server is deleted for non-payment.

🤔 I topped up my balance, but no money came in. What to do?

After payment in the bot you need to click "Check payment", if nothing happens - you need to contact support. Did not reach the top-up on the site? You should immediately contact technical support.

🤔 My server is unavailable. What to do?

If your server has become unavailable, try restarting it. If the situation persists, you need to contact technical support to solve the problem.

🤔 I ordered a server, how long before it becomes active?

All servers are activated within 2-5 minutes after order payment.

🤔 Where can I see your reviews?

All our reviews are on the LOLZTEAM forum, if you don't trust us you can read our reviews by clicking on the link.