November 3, 2020

Stress Relieving Yoga: A Way To Wash Off Your Stress

Yoga for Stress Reduction

More than ninety percent of people are suffering from stress and anxiety. Be it kids, teenagers, adults, or seniors, every single person wants to put a stop to it. Who wouldn't want to live a stress-free life, right? So, what remedies have you tried?

Whether you are a pro or a complete beginner, if none of the medication seems to work, then yoga for stress reduction is an excellent way to reduce your stress levels. The practice of yoga makes use of slow and steady breaths to bring down the levels of stress hormone in your body. It encourages you to practice mindfulness that helps you fight against many obstacles in life.

Yoga For Stress Reduction: What Is The Best Part?

The best part of yoga for stress reduction is that you don't necessarily need to join a yoga class or studio. Once you are done mastering the basics, you can practice in your own space and time – even it means doing yoga in your bedroom.

Mentioned below are five ways in which yoga can reduce your stress both in the studio and your home.

How Practicing Yoga Reduces Your Stress

  • Deepens Your Breathing

There is a reason why it is always advised to take a deep breath while you are under stress. In literal terms, deep breathing slows down your nervous system, which acts as a stress-reduction pedal for your body. Yoga for stress reduction uses slow and steady breathing that reduces the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, thereby supplying your brain with enough oxygen that it needs, to do its best. With the help of this process, you'll end up feeling relaxed and would get better in decision making and solving the problems that have caused you stress.

  • Teaches You Mindfulness

Usually, when people are stressed, it is either because they are dwelling over the past or worried about the future. And this is exactly where yoga comes into the picture. Yoga encourages you to think about your feelings and stay present in the moment by teaching you mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness meditation techniques on a regular basis will help you fight against stress in the long run. In fact, studies have shown that more than eighty-five percent of the people have completely felt the effects of mindfulness meditation only in eight weeks.

  • Improves Your Sleeping Pattern

Stress and irregular sleeping patterns are interconnected. If you are stressed, it is pretty obvious your sleep will get affected. Stress throws away your sleep off the cliff that makes you feel even more stressed. Yoga for stress reduction can easily help you in breaking this cycle. Studies have shown that many yoga practitioners suffering from the problem of insomnia have slept for more than 9 hours each night.

  • Gets Your Body Moving

We all know how important exercising has become. Exercising has become extremely popular in the medical field as a healing agent for curing the problem of stress, anxiety, and depression. However, intense forms of exercise can badly increase your cortisol levels. That is why it is recommended to try more gentle forms of yoga to get rid of stress and anxiety.

  • Soothes You With Music

The music that plays in the background while you practice yoga can literally relax your entire mood. For most of us, listening to music usually helps in calming us down right? Now think about adding yoga to this routine, wouldn't it be a perfect combination?
Studies have shown that listening to relaxing music while practicing yoga reduces stress, anxiety, heart rate, and blood pressure.

The Takeaway

If you feel overwhelmed or stressed for some unknown reason these days, give yoga for stress reduction a try. Try some basic yoga asanas and pranayamas to get rid of the constant headache given by unwanted tension.

Read More:- Yoga Breathing Exercises To Reduce Stress