February 14, 2023

Massa - a case for Web3 Gaming

The gaming industry is always at the forefront of technological advancements. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in Web3 gaming, which seeks to leverage emerging technologies like the Metaverse, NFTs, and blockchain, to revolutionize the industry. By incorporating these technologies, Web3 gaming can offer gamers unprecedented opportunities and benefits that were previously unattainable.

Web3 Gaming has seen unprecedented attention from VC, for example a16z raised $600m gaming fund to finance Web3 industry.

Massa has some unique attributes that are useful to Web3 gaming and could become the leading blockchain for that. Let's dive deeper to know what makes Massa a perfect feat for future of gaming.

Massa's Blockclique architecture achieves a high Nakamoto decentralization coefficient and provides robust security, while also enabling transaction throughput of up to 10,000 transactions per second. It means that transactions are cheap and lightning fast, which is very important for gaming. Just imagine a game where all your data can be stored on a decentralized network and can be verified. It solves the issue of trust (for example you can verify that the item drop rate is indeed 2%) and the issues of games fading away and developers pulling the switch on game servers thus leaving hardcore fans without the game.

Apart from solving old pain points on-chain gaming brings fresh new capabilities. Massa is well suited for NFT and these NFTs can be added to game as User Generated Content (UGC). Most traditional gaming platforms, apart from a few like Roblox, do not prioritize user generated content (UGC). They operate as walled gardens where game assets are created and managed solely by the game creator. However, if game assets are built in an open-source format with user-level ownership, it can promote user-generated game loops and increase their potential. For game developers, this translates to a wider distribution that feeds back into the original game loop, while for users, it leads to more playable loops.

Finally, Massa Autonomous Smart Contracts would allow to add innovative game mechanics and would ease game development because developers would not have to deal with oracles and data availabality from third sources.

And to top it all off autonomus worlds can be achevied due to Massa's decentralization. After a creator develops a set of rules, governance over those rules can be delegated to the players, allowing for infinite growth potential as players grow and maintain it. If a developer proposes a new rule the player base is not a fan of, they could theoretically continue playing with the old rules instead.