February 7, 2023

Thyra - Solution for Web3 and decentralization

Recently there has been many talks about Web3 and shortcomings of Web2. So why should you care about Web3 in general and Thyra in particular? Let's find out!

Web3 is a term used to describe the next generation of the internet, one that is decentralized, secure and gives users more control over their data and online identity. Decentralization is the core principle of web3 and blockchain technology. Instead of relying on centralized intermediaries like banks or internet service providers to process transactions and manage data, web3 allows individuals to interact with each other directly, without intermediaries. This is made possible by the use of blockchain that record transactions in a secure and transparent manner, making them immutable and resistant to tampering.

One of the key benefits of web3 is the ability for users to have more control over their personal data. In the current centralized web, personal information is often collected and stored by corporations, who then use it for various purposes, including targeted advertising and data mining. With web3, users have the option to store their data on a decentralized network, where they can control who has access to it and what it is used for.

Now that we know what Web3 is let's meet Massa and Thyra.

Massa is a Layer-1 Proof-of-Stake blockchain in the making. It promises to solve blockchain trilemma, that has been stuggering blockchain adoption en-masse since the inception of Bitcoin.

Thyra (entrance, front door in ancient greek) allows for decentralized website hosting and DNS resolution. It means that websites on .massa domain are resistant to censorship and will be working as long as Massa blockchain works. Truly Web3 approach to hosting where you and only you decided what to do with your website and there is no way your hosting or namespace provider can cenzor your information.

But that's not the limit of Thyra! It also allows to set up a Massa node from web interface, without the need to operate command line.

From there you can operate you node and see all the relevant statistics. You become part of the network that host decentalized websites in just couple clicks. Simplifications of the process leads the way to even more adoptions of decentralization and security of the network creating flywheel effect.

Finally, depending on the market conditions, hosting a website on .massa domain could be even cheaper that using Web2 hosting and DNS services, encouraging even more people to move to Thyra, thus increasing it’s adoption.