July 29, 2023

Ingliz tili / Shohruh Karimov 

Ingliz tili / Lesson 9 / Professions / https://t.me/yulduzcha1987/55044

Profession - kasb

Teacher - o'qituvchi

Taxi-driver - taksi haydovchisi

Doctor - doktor, shifokor

Electronic engineer - elektron muhandis

Mechanic - mexanik

Farmer - fermer

Pupil - o'quvchi

Student - talaba

Businessman - biznesmen, tadbirkor (erkak kishiga nisbatan)

Businesswoman - biznesmen, tadbirkor (ayol kishiga nisbatan)

Nurse - hamshira

Policeman - politsiyachi

Builder - quruvchi

Accountant - hisobchi, buxgalter

Worker - ishchi

Housewifery - uy bekasi

Secretary - kotiba

Librarian - kutubxonachi

job - ish

Work - ish

Professions - kasblar t.me/yulduzcha1987

Mrs Rayhon is from Uzbekistan. She is Uzbek. She is Merjona and Behruz's mother. Mrs Rayhon is an English teacher. She has got a father and a mother. Her father, Mr Akmal, is an electronic injeneer. Her mother, Mrs Anora, is a librarian in a school. Mr Akmal and Mrs Anora are Marjona and Behruz's grandparents. They live in Uzbekistan.

Rayhon O'zbekistondan. Uning millati O'zbek. U Marjona va Behruzning onasi. Rayhon ingliz tili o'qituvchisi. Uning otasi va onasi bor. Otasi, Akmal elektron muxandis. Uning onasi, Anora maktabda kutubxonachi. Akmal va Anora Marjona va Behruzning bobo-buvisi (hisoblanadi). Ular O'zbekistonda yashashadi.

⚡️ What's your job? - qanday ish qilasiz?

I'm teacher - men o'qituvchiman

What do you do? - Kasbingiz nima?

He is taxi-driver - U taksi haydovchisi

I'm an engineer

I'm a teacher

➡️Lesson 1 https://t.me/yulduzcha1987/54623

➡️Lesson 2 https://t.me/yulduzcha1987/54700

➡️Lesson 3 https://t.me/yulduzcha1987/54759

➡️Lesson 4 https://t.me/yulduzcha1987/54826

➡️Lesson 5 https://t.me/yulduzcha1987/54878

➡️Lesson 6 https://t.me/yulduzcha1987/54920

➡️Lesson 7 https://t.me/yulduzcha1987/54965

➡️Lesson 8 https://t.me/yulduzcha1987/55009