Ingliz tili / Shohruh Karimov
Ingliz tili / Lesson 8 /
What number is the house? - uyingiz raqami nima (nechi)?
What number is the flat? - kvartirangiz raqami nechi?
It's nice - U yaxshi (kishilardan tashqari barcha narsalar uchun)
Alisher has got one brother - Alisherning bitta akasi bor
Rustam has got a lot of friends - Rustamning ko'plab do'stlari bor
My family and I live in a house. We* live at number 10. I live with" my parents, grandparents, brother and two sisters. My friend Rustam and his family live in a flat. He lives with his parents, brother and sister. His flat is number 11. He's got a lot of friends.
Men va oilam hovlida yashaymiz. Bizlar 10 raqamda turamiz (yashaymiz). Men bobo-buvim, ota-onam, akam va ikki opa-singlim bilan yashayman. Mening do'stim Rustam oilasi bilan kvartirada turadi. U ota-onasi, uka va singlisi bilan yashaydi. Uning kvartirasi raqami 11. Uning ko'plab do'stlari bor.
What number is your house? - Sizning uyingiz raqami nechi?
My house number 11 - uyim raqami 11
We live at number 10 - bizlar 10 raqamda yashaymiz
I live with my parents - men ota-onam bilan yashayman
I live in house - Men hovlida yashayman
I've got one sister - mening bitta opa bor
Marjona has got two brothers - Marjonaning ikkita akasi bor
He's got a lot of friends - uning ko'plab do'stlari bor
➡️ Lesson 1
➡️ Lesson 2
➡️Lesson 3
➡️ Lesson 4
➡️ Lesson 5
➡️ Lesson 6
➡️ Lesson 7