March 15, 2023

Subspace Farming on Ubuntu



  • 4+ dedicated CPU cores
  • 8GB+ of RAM
  • 4GB SWAP
  • 100GB+ SSD


to switch to the Gemini3e network, I recommend deleted Node & Farmer and install everything from scratch
. <(wget -qO-


After entering the command in the terminal, you will see a menu that will prompt you to specify an action. First we need to check what version of processor you have, we need to press 1 on the keyboard and Enter

We see that we have a v3 processor, so we will install the version for v3 processors, but if you have v2, you will need to install the version for the v2 processor

Next we need to install and run node, in my example it will be a v3 processor installation.
Accordingly, we need to press 3 on the keyboard and Enter

Next we need to answer the question "Do you have an existing farmer/reward address?", I already have a wallet I specify - y

Then you need to enter your wallet address

Enter your node name to be identified on the network(defaults to `root`, press enter to use the default):

Specify a path for plot and node files (press enter to use the default):

I will use the default path, if you want to use your own, just specify it in full, just make sure it exists

Specify a plot size (defaults to `1000.0 MB`, press enter to use the default):

I will indicate 250G
In your case you must specify how much space you can allocate, keep in mind that in addition to plot, you need space for the node and the system.

Specify the chain to farm. Available options are: [Gemini3g, Dev, DevNet].
Defaults to `Gemini3h`, press enter to use the default:

Here just press enter

Installation completed


systemctl stop subspaced
if you are migrating from 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f or 3g network you need to do a full wipe pulsar wipe


wget -O pulsar


wget -O pulsar
sudo chmod +x pulsar
sudo mv pulsar /usr/local/bin/
sudo systemctl restart subspaced

Сommand to view logs

sudo journalctl -n 50 -f -u subspaced -o cat