November 21, 2019

Meaning of Colors for the Bedroom

Interior Home Painting Vancouver

Explore the different meanings of color and discover which options are ideal for your bedroom. Colors can affect our mood especially when some tone is predominant in the environment. Here are some colors according to the psychology of color as a contribution and can help you decide which one you could apply in your room.

Bedrooms in Blue Color


Blue gives us the feeling of peace and relaxation. It is the favorite of many and widely used in the bedrooms. There is a great variety of shades, most of them give us this impression, except the most vibrant blue shades such as electric blue for example. Other very dark shades can bring the same effects as the black color.

It is the color of trust, loyalty, honesty. It represents internal security.

It is a great color to apply in the bedroom feeling relaxing effects and induces us to sleep.

Fresh and Quiet Green Color


Another peaceful and soothing shade is green, in addition to bringing freshness to the environment, it can help relieve anxiety and nerves as it is associated with relaxation of the nervous system and lowering blood pressure.

Green is the combination of blue and yellow, on the one hand it helps us clarify our ideas and on the other it gives us optimism.

Green is for those who love nature. It is related to stability and resistance, it brings us persistence and strength to move forward.

The color of prosperity and abundance.

On the other hand, also possessive and materialistic with a need to possess people and things. As well as related to envy and immaturity.

Bedrooms Color Red


A color full of energy, it is dynamic and welcoming. Small doses of red in the room will be sufficient to provide life and brightness needed. The excess of the red color can cause irritability, increase blood pressure and respiratory rate, it is a color that encourages action. It is not recommended to apply it to people suffering from insomnia.

Red is associated with passion, love and strong emotions. They provide confidence and is ideal for shy people.

Bedrooms with Yellow Color

 Warm color cheerful and stimulating. The lighter yellows make the rooms look more spacious and brighter. It helps to promote new ideas and can help us find new ways to solve our problems. It is the best color to create enthusiasm for life, awakening optimism.

It helps to concentrate, study and remember the information.

On the other hand, it can deplete us, it is related to ego and high self-esteem, impulsive, impatient, cowardly.

It is energizing for the darkest shades while the softest ones are relaxing. The yellow color is fun, but the excess of this color can make us discuss more and it is not recommended for a baby room, since they indicate that it can make them cry more than normal. Stimulates the learning process, the cream color is light and can be ideal for the bedroom or for the study area.

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