Custom HUD FF
September 19, 2021

How to setting Custom HUD FF

How to setting Custom HUD FF - Talking about free fire never ends, guys. There is always a discussion about Yan G which is interesting to cover in this free fire game. No wonder guys because this free fire game is a game that is currently very popular. Many Indonesians then use this free fire game. So it's no surprise that this free fire in 2020 got the title of the most downloaded game on Google Play Store beating Pub Mobile.

The most interesting thing in free fire is the weapons used by the men. This weapon in this free fire varies a wide variety of guys.

Each weapon has its own strengths and weaknesses. If you want to win quickly and want to be able to kill enemies with a lot of things, the thing you should pay attention to is the weapons you carry.

It's not enough to get there, it's not enough to just carry cool guns, but you also have to establish a sensitivity to male influence.

Because by adjusting the sensitivity of the weapon you have, it will make the damage caused by the weapon you use more accurate.

Therefore for those of you who see or wonder how this custom FF HUD, I will explain and share various types of applications that are useful for you to play free fire.

Custom HUD FF Auto Headshot:

If you are indeed looking for a special weapon way or setting up your weapon sensitivity exactly find this article.

Because here I will be because here I will tell you how to set Auto FF headshot sensitivity.

So for those of you who are looking for how to change the sensitivity of FF headshot, just take a look at my description below, friends!

In shooting games, his signature weapon has become an important thing to consider before taking to the battlefield.

In this free fire, there are very many weapons that you can choose for you to play later.
Each weapon has its own advantages and disadvantages.

If you can use weapons well then you can easily win.

The advantage of the weapons you use can be maximized again if you are good at managing your weapon settings.

Therefore, here later I will help you how you set the weapon to get a good setting.

Because after all, every free fire player must target the headshot name, comrades. Because this headshot is able to paralyze the enemy with just one shot.

But people to do this head shot is not easy. You must have a special feature to do it repeatedly.

Apart from skills, you also have to use weapons and have settings for a good flowback layout.

Every battle match like this should have a HUD setting name. Fortunately this free fire, free the players to do Custom HUD Mod Mod, so that players get the layout of the offer according to the wishes of the players.

So how do you set up a custom HUD FF Auto headshot? Here I will tell you how to set up a custom FF Headshot Auto HUD. His mind!

How to Set HUD FF Auto Headshot

HUD or Head Up Display is a button layout that is very influential on your game. This layout arrangement is a very important aspect that free Fire players often don't realize.

Because it's true that apart from having regulatory skills against the Constitution and also weapons settings, it's an important thing so that you can win easily.

The layout of the button buttons for shooting and directing the movement if not set might make it difficult for you.

So your game is not effective because your fingers are difficult to reach the existing control buttons. The advantage given by free fire is that we are free to change the HUD settings according to what you want.

But of course it can't be careless, guys, there are some tips that you can apply so that your HUD settings can be maximized.

Here are some tips for you to check out!

1. Adjust Button Position

Tips on how to custom Hud auto Headshot free fire, the first is that you need to adjust the position of the control button with the settings to be easily accessible correctly.

You have to pay attention to the position of the control buttons. Because this position will determine how you will be able to control quickly.

So you can adjust it by positioning frequently used buttons in positions that are easy to reach with your fingers.

In the custom Hud display, you will immediately see a horizontal and vertical red line that runs in the middle of the screen.

This line is a line made to make it easier for players to calculate and determine the position on which side if the button is within finger reach. You also have to take into account the width of the smartphone screen that you use to play free fire, guys.

This way later you will be able to put the control buttons that are important to be close to your finger.

Here are some important buttons that must be within your reach, including the shoot, jump, crouch, run, grenade, medkit, and weapon reload buttons.

2. Set Button Size

After you set the position of the next button you need to pay attention to is the size of the control button. This size can be said to be very important, yes, because it can increase the efficiency value in the free fire game later.

The size of the sandals wants to be able to adjust to your taste. But the size of this button should not be too small because it will risk to miss when touched or even not touched while playing.

Do not be too big either because it will interfere with the function of the other control buttons and also interfere with the flexibility of the buttons around it.

Therefore, set the button size to suit your smartphone screen, guys or you can also adjust it to your own finger size.

3. Adjust Button Transparency

After setting the button size you also need to adjust the transparency of the button guys. This setting is quite important because it will affect the extent or not of your visibility to the battle you are living.

The buttons that you set are too conspicuous will make your visibility very limited and even narrow and will interfere with your view. While buttons that are set too transparent will be difficult to see or will not be visible and difficult to touch.

You can lower all the transparency of the buttons to just 30% to 50% in accordance with the function of each button.

This setting is so that there are no buttons that block or disturb you when looking around the battle area.

So that's it, guys, how to set up a custom Hud auto Headshot FF that I can describe.

So that you can do the headset easily you also need to adjust the sensitivity settings of your weapon. In the following, I will set the sensitivity of the weapon so that I can easily do head shots.

look around: 74
Red dot sight: 52
2x scope: 42
4x Scope: 36
AWM Scope: 25

That's it, guys, setting the sensitivity of the weapon so that it can auto headshot.