August 3, 2020

WWW 222

Nowadays,in the era of globalization, there are a lot of products that use adverts to have a demand among customers .Some people think that advertising manages individuals to buy certain goods.However,another group of people believe that advertisements do not have any influences on their choices.In this essay,I will try to examine both sides of the view and provide my own opinion.

On the one hand, advertisements are keys to charateristics of certain products,since they give necessary information to effect people's mind.To illustrate,there might be described only benefits or comparisons with other brands.Without a shadow of doubt I can say that mankind always want to buy the best one,by the reason of this he or she conducts analysis by adverts.Finally, person chooses commodity which's advert was full of advantages and good feedbacks.Moreover,watching the same advertisement from different type of media many times has also impacts on individual's choice,because he or she thinks if merchandise advertises many times everywhere,it will seem as the most suitable for him or her.

On the other hand,advertisements may effect phsychology of people negatively.Firstly,since there are everywhere adverts,they absolutely hide contents that we are interested.To demonstrate,if we are watching some interesting film and an advertisement suddenly appears,we will start to get upset.Therefore,we will lose desire to watch.In addition,if we take Youtube,there are many advertisements which are repeated every 4-5 minutes.Nevertheless,thank to features of this programme person can skip adverts by clicking.As you noticed,most of adverticements are not interesting for people,even for this we have some functions from several applications.

To conclude the above analysis ,I want to provide my own view that adverts are effective for people only when they allow interesting and beneficial information,not the monotonous and banal work.