August 18, 2020

writing task 1

The provided charts illustrate information about marriage and divorce rates of American people from 1970 to 2000 and marital status of adults in USA in these certain years.

Overall,the quantity of marriages of American adults were decreasing in each decade.Therefore, the percentage of married people decreased,in contrast the number of divorced and never married adults increased.Moreover,the number of marriages in 1970 and 1980 leveled out,that reached 2,5 millions.In addition,the only category that did not expect any changes between 1970 and 2000 was divorces.

In 1970 and 1980 the number of marriages was at the same level.However,due to the slight decrease in next twenty years,which was equal to 0,5 millions,the final figure was falled until 2 millions.Furthermore,the column of divorces did not have any effective declines or inclines.Between 1980 and 1990 there were some fluctuations,that allowed inclines by 0,1 and 0,3 millions,nevertheless,eventually the index was equal to 1 million, as it was in 1970.

The largest part of american adults are was married in both years(1970,2000) ,which's proportion was 70% and 59%.In the second place were never married people,whose percentage was increased by 5% in 30 years.Besides these kinds of people,the widowed adults also took a part in this research.As chart shows,they had a slight decrease from 8% to 5%.Additionally,the company of divorced adults have expanded by 6% in these several years.