August 12, 2020


Nowadays, humankind have lost the interest not only in fitness,totally in sports.People have been forgetting about healthy life.Therefore,they give a birth to problem,such as obesity.In this essay,I will try to examine the reasons of such situation and provide some measures that influences preventing this issue.

First of all,without a shadow of doubt, most people are busy not only in their workplace, but also in homes.Thus,they do not have any time and energy to cook meal for themselves.By the reason of this, they decide to order fastfoods from restaurants.People consider that this action is more convenient and beneficial for them.However,it allows a lot of harms that can impact people's active lifestyle strongly.First thing that I should mention is decreasing of movement.Most employees prefer sedentary lifestyle,which cancels them going outside and breathing fresh air.Furthermore,the fastfoods are one of the most high-calorie meal,which also contain hazardous chemicals.Hence,these factors can be the causes of today's issue.

Despite diversity of reasons of such problem,it can be prevented by several measures,that we should not put off.To begin with,it is ,without a doubt,walking or running outside,because both of them allow to cut down on excess fats.Moreover,since majority of people do not have interests in fitness,I advice government to provide some discounts or simply give fitness centers for free,because it encourages people to do sports and anyone will against free fitness.In addition,I recommend medicine centers to host events about sport,harmful food and connection between them.

To conclude,I consider that everyone should have the balance between food and fitness,because it helps to keep body on constant weight.However,if you do not have enough time,you can walk outside and breathe fresh air.