August 19, 2020

writing 1

The provided table illustrates information about the most populated countries in 2019 and affords some predictions of changes that will occur in 2100.

Overall,it is clear that China is at the head of the line,however, in future China will swap place with India that will lead this line by a wide margin.Moreover,in forecasters' opinion,China will have the biggest decline,that will decrease its population almost by 500 millions.In contrast,populace of Nigeria will figure drammatical growth by increasing 3,5 times.

In terms improvement,India will the most peopled in 2100 by increasing 170 millions.Nevertheless,as i said before,the Nigeria's population will grow by 524 millions,which is considered as the largest increase.In addition,the other countries,such as USA,Indonesia,Pakistan will not expect a significant change.Their average increasing proportion is between 18 and 140 millions.

In case of falling ,it is noticable that the sharp drop in populace will in China and it is regarded that this drop will equal to almost 500 millions.Furthermore,the number of people in Brazil will also fall by 36 millions .Therefore,they will be placed on the tenth line from sixth.Additionally,the last 3 countries at this moment ,such as Bangladesh,Russia and Mexico will disappear in top by 2100,instead of them there will be African communities:Democratic Republic of Congo,Ethiopia and Tanzania.