Your Best Events
January 20, 2021

Правила відвідування заходів від проекту "Your Best Events"

Дотримання правил - ваша комфорті безпека!

Your Best Events- це проект дорослих, тематичних, розважальних, освітніх заходів закритого формату. Куди люди приходять знайомитися, навчатися, грати, веселитися і за наявності симпатії взаємодіють або реалізують свої фантазії.

Наші заходи проводяться з дотриманням певних правил, ознайомьтесь з ними, будь ласка!

➡️ "Erotic party"

➡️ "K!NK!T : START"

➡️ "K!NK!T : BDSM"

➡️ "K!NK!T : Massage"





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Проект "Your Best Events"

The Rules of conduct for an erotic party

At Erotic Parties, you will have the opportunity to relax, play, experience vivid emotions, get new interesting experiences and interact with other participants.

Each party is special, with its own concept and program. Being in a comfortable atmosphere for yourself, you can better immerse yourself in the world of bodily practices and fulfill all your desires.
We will help you expand the boundaries of sensuality and realize and feel what will excite every cell of your body.

Our parties are held in accordance with certain rules in order to maintain the complete safety of each of the participants.


❗️Confirmation and registration of participants takes place exclusively after filling out a questionnaire and passing face control in order to ensure safety and maintain the atmosphere.

1. The main rule of the party: this is the principle of consent! No coercion or pressure. Only reciprocity, mutual respect and tolerance.

The refusal of any guest to communicate with another guest is perceived definitively and without claims from the side that was refused. No means No - “No” means “No”.

2. Confidentiality. What happens at the party stays there.
Photo and video shooting is prohibited at the party. At the entrance, you are taken away devices with which you can take pictures, including mobile phones.
We respect the privacy of every guest. All devices will be monitored by the party security.
A photographer is usually invited to parties, who will be able to photograph you in the photo zone at your request and consent.

3. It is forbidden to disclose information about what happened at the event after its end. All names, surnames and other data of the Guests that became known to you during the event are their personal data and are protected by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data".

4. Everything that happens at the event takes place exclusively according to the principles of "culture of harmony". This implies active, verbal consent to any interaction.

Do not touch other people without permission, be sure to ask before hugging, touching, spanking someone, etc.

5. Actively avoid conflicts. Someone may not understand you so well, or vice versa, just break off the communication. If the conflict cannot be settled, contact the organizers or security.

6. At our party, it is strictly forbidden to insult anyone, become personal or use obscenities in a negative context. All communication between guests and organizers is polite, welcoming and friendly.

7. We are not asked for money at parties for services and it is forbidden to provide any sexual activity for money.

8. Dress code. Each party has its own theme and dress code, which is negotiated in advance and must be observed in order to be admitted to the party.

If you are not sure about your dress code, then you can always clarify, consult or ask for help from the organizers.

9. It is forbidden to lock in the rooms. Friends, this is a 21+ game format party, we are for frankness and openness. All doors must remain open. There are other places and events for 1v1 interaction.

10. The use of any psychotropic and narcotic substances is strictly prohibited.

11. It is forbidden to bring alcohol or food with you. At parties, there is a buffet table and a bar.

12. If any of the guests breaks the rules or behaves inappropriately and does not stop after the remark, he leaves the party on his own or with the help of the security service. The ticket price is not refundable.

13. In case of conflict situations "before" or "during", the organizers or the security service have the right, without warning, to take the conflicted person out of the event.

14. Smoking is allowed only in the smoking area, including vaping, icos and other electronic devices.

15. We have a blacklist system. A guest who breaks our rules, interferes with other guests or causes hostility will be brought there.

16. If you want to take someone else's thing (toy, device, clothes, accessory, etc.) - find the owner and ask permission. If you don't know who the owner is, ask the organizers, hostesses or security. And after use, return someone else's thing to the owner personally.

Our parties have their own rules, which do not exclude the usual rules of decency, and this should be remembered.

Persons (Guests) agree with these rules and if they are violated, they are liable in accordance with the current legislation.

Any prohibitions and restrictions are aimed at creating a comfortable environment.

If you see that someone else is breaking the rules, inform the organizers. Even if it doesn't concern you specifically. Who knows, maybe next time it will affect you!

We do not offer you sex. We offer you an atmosphere, relaxation in comfortable conditions in a pleasant company, be polite and respect the personal position of each participant.

By paying for participation in the event, you automatically confirm your agreement to comply with these rules.

CEO Your Best Events