November 6, 2020


21 Oktyabr 2020. Muallif: Abbosxon O‘roqov/𝓐𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓮
Yo‘lovchi (kun va tun)
Kun ajoyib edi. Yo‘lovchi bardam edi. Yo‘l yurishning ayni payti, manzil yiroq... Yo‘lovchi ko'nglining chigilini yozish maqsadida biroz sayr qilmoqchi bo‘ldi. Atrofda yashil o‘t-o‘lanlar bosgan, notabiiy so‘qmoqlar. Yo‘lovchi ulardan biriga qadam qo‘ydi va o‘zini xuddi kuchli oqimga tushganday his qildi. Ammo ikki qadam tashlashi bilanoq, o‘zini notanish kenglikda ko‘rdi. Yo‘lovchi ortiga o‘grildi, biroq u bosgan qadamlarni allaqachon soyasi yashirgan edi. Yo‘lovchi kun botar tomonga yuzlandi. Yurishga majbur etayotgan yo‘l ishtiyoqi uni Sharq tomon boshlardi. U yo‘l yurardi, Quyosh unga hamroh edi. U yolg‘oz emas edi. Yo‘lovchi shunday o‘ylardi. Biroq... Dastlab kun og‘di, so‘ngra xira tortdi va Quyosh botdi. Quyosh tanasidan judo bo‘lgan qulning boshi kabi ko‘kdan sirg‘alib tushdi... Yo‘lovchi dastlab qorong‘ulik sabab dovdiradi, kundizi ko‘zlarini yashnatgan daraxt shoxlari endi uning yuz-ko‘zlarini ayovsiz timdalar, kunduzi quyosh haroratidan saqlash uchun o‘z soyasidan panoh bergan daraxtlarning tanasi endi uning yuragiga vahima solardi. Biroq yo‘l yurgan sayin qorong‘ulik ham uning quyosh nuri kabi hamrohiga aylandi. Biroq qorong‘ulik yo‘lovchini quyosh nuri kabi erkalatmasdi, quyosh nuri kabi yo‘lini yortib unga yo‘l ko‘rsatmas edi. Qorong‘ulik o‘lim kabi sovuq va mavhum edi. Biroq hayot kabi aldoqchi edi. Biroz uzoqroqda yorug‘lik ko‘rindi, yo‘lovchi quyoshni topgandek quvonib ketdi. Bu gulhan edi. Gulhon atrofida o‘zi kabi yo‘lovchilar yig‘ilgandi. Ular yo‘lovchiga notanish edi. U gulhanga yaqinlashdi. Uning atrofidagilar unga befarq edi. U yerdagilarning barchasi shu gulhanni topganigidan xursand edi. Ular gulhan so‘nmasligiga va quyosh kabi ularni tark eta olmasligiga ishonishardi. Shu ishonch ularni gulhan atrofida ushlab turardi...

is far away ... The passenger wanted to go for a walk in order to write down his thoughts. Unusual trails covered with green grass. The passenger stepped on one of them and felt like he was in a strong current. But as soon as he took two steps, he saw himself in an unfamiliar space. The passenger turned around, but his footsteps were already overshadowed. The passenger headed west. The urge to walk led him east. He was walking, and the sun was with him. He was not alone. The passenger thought so. But ... First the sun went down, then it got dark and the sun went down. The sun slid down from the sky like the head of a slave who had lost his body ... the trunks of the trees, which had taken refuge in their shade for him, were now terrifying his heart. But as he walked, the darkness became his companion like the light of the sun. But the darkness did not caress the traveler like the light of the sun, nor did it guide him like the light of the sun. The darkness was as cold and abstract as death. But he was as deceitful as life. There was a light in the distance, and the passenger was as happy as if he had found the sun. It was a bonfire. Passengers like him gathered around the campfire. They were strangers to the passenger. He approached the fire. Those around him were indifferent to him. Everyone there was happy to find this bonfire. They believed that the fire would not go out and that the sun could not leave them. This confidence kept them around the fire ...



walker (day and night)
The day was wonderful. The passenger was busy. At the same time, the destination is far away ... The passenger wanted to go for a walk in order to write down his thoughts. Unusual trails covered with green grass. The passenger stepped on one of them and felt like he was in a strong current. But as soon as he took two steps, he saw himself in an unfamiliar space. The passenger turned around, but his footsteps were already overshadowed. The passenger headed west. The urge to walk led him east. He was walking, and the sun was with him. He was not alone. The passenger thought so. But ... First the sun went down, then it got dark and the sun went down. The sun slid down from the sky like the head of a slave who had lost his body ... the trunks of the trees, which had taken refuge in their shade for him, were now terrifying his heart. But as he walked, the darkness became his companion like the light of the sun. But the darkness did not caress the traveler like the light of the sun, nor did it guide him like the light of the sun. The darkness was as cold and abstract as death. But he was as deceitful as life. There was a light in the distance, and the passenger was as happy as if he had found the sun. It was a bonfire. Passengers like him gathered around the campfire. They were strangers to the passenger. He approached the fire. Those around him were indifferent to him. Everyone there was happy to find this bonfire. They believed that the fire would not go out and that the sun could not leave them. This confidence kept them around the fire ...