How to deal with doubts?
Have you faced with situation when at the right moment you DON'T have the determination to follow the trading system? When the system directly indicates that now is the best moment to enter, doubts begin to climb into your head ...
How to deal with doubts?
Firstly, you understand that it is more profitable to trade even on a weak system than to trade on a powerful strategy, but stick to it from time to time.
Secondly, when you realized that sticking the system is rational, it's time for testing.
Don't keep the information in your head, for this people 5,000 years ago came up with writing. Keep a journal of your trading to check how your actions correspond to the chosen strategy. Correct the actions as necessary.
Thirdly, trading is not a battle of MMA fighters. Trading is a way to make money. If you perceive every loss as a personal defeat, then trading will turn into self-torture. Do you really need this?
And finally, dawn follows any sunset. And this has been happening for millions of years. And trading is the same thing.
The only question is how does your strategy at a distance show itself? But you will never know if you regularly break the rules of the strategy☝️