22 posts

Installing the Cascadia node in the Sauron test network!!!

Cascadia is a unique blockchain network that combines ve-tokenomics and control theory to establish an organic ledger with emergent behaviors. Cascadia's main objective is to incorporate governance mechanisms into blockchain transactions, fostering trust, transparency, and security. Its distinguishing characteristic is the use of a vote-escrowed tokenomics model and a control system with two feedback loops that enable growth and adaptation. The initial loop monitors the system's output, making adjustments to facilitate learning. The second loop detects changes in the environment, updating the system with new information to encourage evolution.

Launching the Kyve node in the main network!!

minimum recommended hardware configuration :

Installing the OJO node in the Sauron test network !!!

minimum recommended hardware configuration :

Useful commands for checking and interacting with the KYVE NETWORK blockchain

Service management:

Installing the KYVE node in the KAON-1 test network !!!

KYVE, the Web3 data lake solution, is a protocol that enables data providers to standardize, validate, and permanently store blockchain data streams. By leveraging permanent data storage solutions like Arweave, KYVE’s Cosmos SDK chain creates permanent backups and ensures the scalability, immutability, and availability of these resources over time.

Installing a node in the Quasar test network!!

minimum recommended hardware configuration :

Использование Goracle для раскрытия потенциала децентрализованных оракулов и блокчейна Algorand !!! Incentivized Testnet !!!

Всем привет !! Сегодня на обзоре весьма перспективный проект !! Давайте разберем , что такое Goracle и как он решает проблему подключения реальных данных к блокчейну:

Fast and scalable Bifrost blockchain !!! Incentivized Testnet 2

Hello everyone! Today we will consider a very promising project Bifrost !! The Bifrost blockchain is built on the Substrate platform, it is fully compatible with EVM networks and provides developers with a universal environment for creating multi-chain dApps.

Starting the OKP4 node using StateSync/SnapShot !!!

State sync allows a new node joining a network to simply fetch a recent snapshot of the application state instead of fetching and applying all historical blocks. This can reduce the time needed to join the network by several orders of magnitude (e.g. weeks to minutes), but the node will not contain historical data from previous heights.

A set of useful information for the OKP4 community and validators