Andrew Golovko
Blog of a self-taught programmer writing about the experience, tips and other stuff
153 posts
Spring Boot Actuator

M04 Q37 Why do you want to leverage 3rd-party external monitoring system?

It is a good idea to use external monitoring system, because this way you can use monitoring functionalities without having to spend time coding them.

M04 Q36 How do you change the Health Indicator status severity order?

Spring Actuator allows you to change Health Indicator Status severity order with usage of property for example:

M04 Q35 What are the Health Indicator statuses that are provided out of the box?

Spring Actuator provides following Health Indicator Statuses out of the box:

M04 Q34 What is the Health Indicator status?

Health Indicator status is used by Health Indicators to inform Spring Actuator if system component checked by them is working correctly or not.

M04 Q33 What are the Health Indicators that are provided out of the box?

Spring Actuator provides following Health Indicators that are configured when proper dependencies are found:

M04 Q32 What is Health Indicator?

Health Indicator is a component used by /actuator/health endpoint to check if system is in a state which can be used to successfully handle requests.

M04 Q31 How do you create a custom metric with or without tags?

Spring Boot Actuator allows you to create custom metrics with usage of MeterRegistry from Micrometer Application Metrics Facade.

M04 Q30 What is metrics for?

Spring Actuator provides metrics endpoint which can be used to examine metrics collected by the application during runtime.

M04 Q29 How do you access an endpoint using a tag?

You access an endpoint using a tag by defining it as part of the request in following way:

M04 Q28 How do you change logging level of a package using loggers endpoint?

Spring Actuator allows you to list currently configured loggers with their levels in following ways: