5 posts

(SCADA) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Could Be Closer Than You Think

SCADA is a system of hardware and software components that enables an organization to analysis and visualization through geospatial view, one-line diagram, smart graphical user interface, and digital dashboards. Some of the key elements of SCADA includes HMI (Human-Machine Interface), communication infrastructure and field devices. Some of the main trends witnessed in SCADA are availability of increased situational awareness with the help of enhanced presentation of data and GUIs; intelligent alarm processing; improvised integration with other business and engineering systems; and enhanced security features. SCADA is intensively used in multiple applications including oil and gas, process industries, distribution and utilities, electric...

What’s Happening in the Telecom IoT Industry.

The impact of the Internet of Things(IOT) technology has been major in all sectors. The word industry 4.0 to crony digital transformation all is wooed by IoT. None the less is the telecom sector, with the augmentation of 5G and MIMO architectures, the telecom sector is quite relying on IoT-Based technologies.

When Will Supply Chain Management Grow Up?

Supply chain management software is the software tool that is used in managing supplier relationships, executing supply chain transactions, and controlling associated business operations. Supply chain management software help to raise output, reduce the cost, lower delay, and higher efficiency, henceforth increase demand for this software that fueling the growth of the supply chain management software market. The growing adoption of cloud-based technology is further triggering the growth of the supply chain management software market.

Role Of Artificial Intelligence And In Retail Industry

Inception of exponential technologies such as sensors, robotics, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence in the retail industry has enabled the retailers to enhance their interactions with consumers and transformed the way retail operations were performed. This change in the industry is prominently driven by the seismic shift in the shopping pattern of the consumers, and their preferences backed by demographic dividend across regions.

How AI Can Help In Agriculture

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that exhibits behavior that could be interpreted as human intelligence. Can we apply artificial intelligence in agriculture? Can a computer be better than man in making decisions related to other living organisms in a complex environment? Can an algorithm beat farmer’s gut instinct and experience?