Azirona - Mom&Dad
Azirona is the daedric lord of open carry.
And a mom/dad pact to make games/comics/books.
4 posts


This wasn’t my first brisket. But this was BY FAR my best brisket.


We took down the “TV shrine” the other weekend. With its wood, we constructed a little bench thingy for the boy. My intent was to make it a sort of very small, very safe, very stable climbing thing. Though it turned out looking more like a miniature picnic table instead.

First Bite

I was listening to Jocko Podcast – as one normally does – and he and Echo talked about how discipline is gained or lost with the initial decision. Take a bite of that donut, you’re very likely to finish the whole thing. Refuse to take a bit out of that donut, you’re very likely to not eat the whole thing.


The circus I'm referring to here isn't the one with clowns and small cars and elephants dancing on large balls. This circus does visit you from time to time, but doesn't directly ask you for your money. Instead, it courts your allegiance, your vote in an event once every four years we call an election.