December 3, 2020

Video Marketing Strategy - Part 1

Our own customers often weigh our social marketing efforts on social media due to the lack of thoughtful stories they can touch. It's like running the factory and telling everything that internet users and especially our target audience are least interested in knowing.

And the heavy budgets we use to create a 'so-called' powerful video and present it on a video platform are usually knocked down. There is a gap between what we do and what is expected of us.

Whether it is B2B video marketing, B2C video marketing, or content syndication services, the underlying goal of filling the gap remains the same.

Read on to know what it takes to fill the void and to get closer to your target audience through effective video marketing strategies. We bet that at least the marketing strategy below will take your video production game much higher than your competitors.

Tell a story that matches their problem

First things first. Your viewer who is also your target audience is the protagonist of your story, not you. Period.

It should only be a personal video about your customers, your viewers, your audience that you want to inspire, motivate, entice, or call to action, and lead them to your landing page.

As a B2B marketer, consider this as the first thought in creating your video marketing campaign.