December 3, 2020

Video Marketing Strategy - Part 2

Tell a story that matches their problem

First things first. Your viewer who is also your target audience is the protagonist of your story, not you. Period.

It should only be a personal video about your customers, your viewers, your audience that you want to inspire, motivate, entice or call to perform, and lead them to your landing page. As a B2B marketer, consider this as the first thought in creating your video marketing campaign.

Why should you do this?

Because unless you can build a relationship with them, they will not trust you, no customer testimonials will come in.

If you are planning to create brand awareness through video marketing or social marketing campaigns for video marketing, you need to sow the seeds of confidence in your viewers. And if done on solid ground, it will definitely germinate in a relationship.

Later, you can make the relationship last by nurturing it by constantly being active on your social media platform and through other marketing efforts.

Here, content syndication can help you. Web content syndication is a form of syndication in which content from one website is made available to other websites. Websites are usually made available to provide summaries or complete versions of the recently added content of a website. Deck7 Provides content syndication services for B2B.