December 3, 2020

Video Marketing Strategy - Part 5

Promote your video with digital video advertising

For B2B businesses With digital video advertising, and an online video marketing strategy can provide a strong foundation for reaching audiences broadly.

According to a study by Cisco, 80 percent of all web traffic will be video content by 2019 and there will be a threefold increase in video traffic by 2021. According to these statistics, we are on the verge of having a boom in video content. And in what better times could we ask to live in?

Seize the opportunity! Promote and advertise your video on digital media or with a deck7's content syndication strategy as if there were no tomorrow.

Let your audience know that they will be safe at your brand.
Clearly define the benefits it can bring to your brand.
Underline the difference it would make to their identity/status.
Mark the transformation in their status after use.

Play the transformation that your brand can bring to people's lives

Remember, this is a bigger goal. All this is done to make them feel that a brand can change their lives and their business for the better.

These steps are a way to get your online video marketing, social media marketing or digital video ads right.

The journey you undertake with your spectator with these tested steps will greatly help pave the way for countless journeys that you and existing and new viewers will see to take with you.