February 21, 2019

The Book of Genesis


Traditionally attributed to Moses who lived around 1400 B.C.


The beginning of time to the 15th Century B.C.

Major Events:

Adam and Eve are created. First, Adam is created from the dust, then Eve is created from one of Adam's ribs. The Garden of Eden is a paradise where Adam and Eve dwelt until forced out of the Garden by God when Eve eats of the fruit of the tree of "Good and Evil" after being tempted by the Serpent and gives this fruit to Adam to eat and their nakedness is revealed to them. Sin causes humans to fall from Grace as the first child of Adam and Eve - Cain - murders his brother Abel. The people become so corrupted that God decides to rid the Earth of all human life by causing a great flood to occur, but spares Noah and his family after giving Noah instructions on how to build an Ark and to bring onto the Ark two of every living creature that He wants to bring forth into a new existence. Once the Earth is repopulated, God chooses a man named Abram (whose name is later changed to Abraham) to lead a specially chosen people, later to be called "Israel" after Abram's grandson, Jacob. Later, Jacob's son, Joseph, sets up rule in Egypt which precedes the events that are to come in the Book of Exodus.


God creates the Universe/World and chooses His special people. Genesis introduces the concept of God in three persons, which would later be referred to as the "Trinity". "God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Later on in Genesis, God provides us with the foreknowledge of the coming of Jesus and His suffering and death upon the Cross when He curses the serpent for deceiving Eve. "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heal. (3:15).

Take Away:

The Book of Genesis answers the question, "Where did I come from?" Knowing the answer to this question gives us insight and meaning in a World otherwise difficult to understand.