March 9

Social Finder — Find early gems. 

⚙️ How does the Blazing Social Finder work?

The Blazing Social Finder automatically collects social media links from projects with open-source smart contracts on Etherscan. It extracts social media links from the comments section of the open-source code and sends a message to the bot's

🗺️ Social Finder Navigation.

Example of a project found by the bot.

The message contains the following information about the project.

Name. The name of the project. In our example it is Oracle Ai.

Symbol. Project & token sybmol. ORACLE in our case.

Contract. Contract the address of a token on the blockchain. 0xfa8c2fe5260a5ef7fee2034c8087eab584694a8c in our case.

Dev. Developer's wallet address. You can also check it manually on the services described above. You can see available The bot also attach data about the balanceof this wallet. In our case, we see 10.510 ETH on the developer's wallet balance.A zero or extremely low developer wallet balance can be a red flag for you.

Total Supply. The total number of existing (circulating + locked) tokens in the network. As we can see, Oracle Ai has issued 10 000 000 of ORACLE tokens. The larger the initial total supply, the more challenging it becomes to create the necessary demand for the token price to rise.

Decimals. Determines the smallest unit of the token that can be used. Essentially, the number of digits after zero. In our case, ORACLE has 9 decimals. This means the minimum amount of ORACLE token can be sent is 0.000000001.

Links.For your convenience, the bot attaches all the links you need for analytics.

  • Contract on Etherscan.
  • Creator's wallet address on Etherscan.
  • Dexscreener. A powerful tool for token analysis. Provides data on all DEXes. Allows more accurate chart tracking.
  • Dexview. Similar tool for analyzing price charts and trading history.
  • Uniswap. The largest DEX, that allows fast & secure crypto exchange on smart-contracts.
  • Dextools. A platform for investors and traders that provides a wealth of data for analytics. Full access is available by subscription.
  • SafeAnalyser. Another analytics tool that provides real-time token data.

Socials.Links to social media that the developer attached in the source code. In brackets - the date of the website domain and Twitter handle were created.

Before investing in a project, check the age of its domain and Twitter account. An aged domain and active Twitter account suggest a project with a longer history and more established community. Conversely, a fresh domain and inactive Twitter account might indicate a new project or a farm where the developer's gains precede the project's success.

Trading status.Date & time when token trading started or when the trading goes live.

In our case, ORACLE trading has not started yet.

🚀Launch Wallet Tracker!

Use this link to open Blazing Wallet Bot in telegram.