Christopher Casacci
2 posts

Frank Michael House

I am frank Michael. Sports is in my DNA and I never lose a chance to kick myself to the extreme when it comes to FOOTBALL. Playing football is not just my passion, but I truly live it. One very interesting fact about me is my whole family, including my old parents still play football and we enjoy ourselves together. Even my three years old daughter tries to kick and that moment is just so pleasurable.

Christopher Casacci

The ongoing pandemic though has proved to be the worst amongst all but it has thought people one thing that is to keep a check upon their health.many companies have come forward to provide a helping hand. One of the names amongst them is of Sunbeam Laboratories, the founder name Christopher Cassaci. It is a large scale industrial alcohol permittee and WNY FDA listed for hand sanitizer manufacturing and disinfectant. The laboratory is all set to offer ethanol distillation, blending, bottling and private labeling.