March 12, 2020

What is Cyber Safety and Security Awareness

What is Cyber Safety and why is it important?

Instead of doors, locks, and vaults, IT departments rely on a mix of techniques, technology, and user education to defend a company from cyber attacks that can compromise networks, steal data and other sensitive business information, and damage the reputation of a company. As cyber-attacks increase in magnitude and frequency, the need for cybersafety is increasing.

Cyber Safety And Security Awareness

Cybersafety is responsible for the use of IT and communication technology. Cyber Safety can be maintained by encouraging the public to identify risks associated with ICT. We should build strategies to minimize risks.

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Importance of cybersafety:

Cybersecurity is important because you will be vulnerable to the Trojan attack without proper protection, which can lead to data loss, identity theft and much more. Global computer networks provide us with various facilities for communication and for exchanging information in which internet users from big to small lie on the website. Today cybercrime and computer crime are on the rise.

The use of the internet in our daily lives is growing around the world. To consumers, the use of the internet in online bill payment, shopping, payment services, internet banking, mobile banking and now digital wallets looks convincing. For this purpose, the internet is also a good source of hackers, criminals, and pickers to collect any confidential information from any country. So, these are the reasons why Internet Security is critical around the globe today.

What is Cybersecurity awareness?

Security awareness is the knowledge and attitude that an organization's members possess about protecting the organization's physical, and especially informational, properties. Most organizations, when they join the company and regularly thereafter, usually annually, require formal security awareness training to all staff. Such procedures should be implemented as a part of protection by the businesses.

Cyber Security awareness tips:

1. Maintain a clean desk policy 

You should only maintain files of the project you are currently working on. The sensitive information you are working on should be deleted on the same day. If you take a break, store all the critical information on a local desk and lock it.

2. Bring your device:

Each mobile device is not 100 percent secure from a security point of view. The security is a great concern even for Apple and Google. The investment they have made into resources to safeguard the platform completely from the basic level to the app store and figure out the more work still needs to be done. Unlocked devices are more vulnerable as compared to locked devices. Organizations will compile a list of appropriate devices that are banned The security personnel must check that each BYOD is in the appropriate list; all others should be excluded.

3. Data management

There are numerous data in different formats (such as a backup copy of customer contracts or mission statements), and this may not be known to many employees. These employees do not realize what classified data mean. For example, a backup copy of a customer contract is more important from a financial point of view than a backup copy of a mission statement. Employees should know about all data types to understand the criticality of their company.

4. Unnecessary Media :

The safe use of both personal and corporate computers is essential. Unauthorized removable media can invite issues related to data protection, malware infection, hardware failure, and copyright violations.

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5. Maintaining Safe Internet Habits:

The company must have a viable social networking training program to prevent the loss of critical data, which should restrict the use of social networking and direct employees about the threat of phishing attacks. Besides, ask your employees not to provide their credentials or login information to unknown sites or sites that are similar to the original one.

6. Malware:

Employees need to know how to detect malware, and what to do if they have compromised their computer or network. The immediate response should be shutting off the program or computer and telling the security management team. A malware training session would explain the forms of malware and its consequences. Forms of malware should include adware, spyware, viruses, trojans, backdoors, rootkits, ransomware, botnets, logic bombs, and viruses with armor.

7. Hoaxes:

A hoax is described as a lie or deception intentionally created to subterfuge the users and to victimize them. The attackers usually use hoaxes to damage workers via emails. A hoax email often notifies users of supposed imminent threats. For example, a link might warn you that if you don't shut it off at 3 a.m., your machine will be seriously compromised. Friday, February 13.
