Венчурные инвестиции
January 24

INFINITI Monthly Investor Update

Hi everyone,

Here's our monthly update, outlining key developments and our operational strategy at INFINITI.

Team and Operations

We've adopted a part-time, agile strategy for our team. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Total Team Members: 7
  • Total Monthly Hours: Approximately 320 hours
  • Monthly Team Cost: Approximately $16,000 (based on an assumed average hourly rate)
  • Roles: Including CTO, marketing specialist, recruiter, and others, working part-time.
  • Efficiency: This structure keeps our burn rate low while maintaining high operational efficiency.


  • Monthly Burn Rate: Approx. $16,000 (team costs) + operational expenses
  • Runway: With current funding, we are positioned for a 16-month runway, allowing us to focus on growth and development without immediate fundraising pressure.

Key Achievements

  • Product Development: Progressing as planned, with milestones being met thanks to our focused team effort.
  • Market Research: Ongoing, with valuable insights being integrated into our strategy.


  • Scaling Team: As we grow, we'll need to balance expanding our team with maintaining a lean operation.
  • Market Adaptation: Continuously adapting our strategies to match market demands.


  • Special thanks to [Mention specific team members or supporters] for their extraordinary contributions this month.

How You Can Help

  • Referrals: Looking for connections to potential clients and strategic partners.
  • Feedback: We welcome insights on our product development and market approach.

Thanks for your ongoing support. Looking forward to next month's progress!

Best, Pavel 


Please adjust the specific details like monthly team costs or the exact number of hours per role based on the actual figures from the article, which can be reviewed here.