Dr James Farley
With Dr. James Farley's new Science Based approach, we can help you achieve unstoppable energy, reduced depression and anxiety episodes.
2 posts

ASI Brochure | Dr. James Farley

Hi, this is Dr. James Farley. I am going to be going through with you today the adrenal salivary index testing. So mainly what you're looking at is you're taking measurements over a time frame, four times throughout the day, to look at what your cortisol levels are doing. If we don't know the time of day of the cortisol testing, the test is irrelevant. The most accurate way to look at the hormones is in asaliva sample because those are the free hormones. And again, we take it over four times throughout the day. And then there's a regular graph that we look at and we compare you to the regular graph. So, your regular graph should be that your cortisol is highest early, and then gradually comes down over time and we see a change over the...