January 13, 2020


Today I would like to discuss about technology. Technology this is the basis of our modern industrial life. It is impossible to imagine the modern world without technology. However, like all inventions, we can use them for good or bad purposes. Today we have a lot of smartphone, smartclock, which took us over.A lot of people thinking technology is used in medecine.

As I remember the technology is divided into several types. Gadjets, smartphones, robots. If you look depending on the results the technology is divided into several types every day.

As I know technology this shows your country's rating,for example Gangonk very developed city. If take our country,we don't have such a developed city, so technology very important thing. We can also say that by the beginning of the XX century, the term technology covered a set of tools, processes, and ideas in addition to tools and machines. By the middle of the century, the concept was defined by such phrases as " the means or activities by which a person changes and manipulates their environment.

In conclusion else we can understand technology is a set of specific methods, processes, tools, and materials that can be used to achieve the desired result.