Evo Energy Technologies
6 posts

Water heating technology set to soar at Dreamworld

Mother Nature has been serving up some of the steamiest temperatures on record but it’s hot new advances in water heating technology that are set to soar at WhiteWater World.

Evo Energy Technologies to install 2G Biogas CHP at Rivalea Australia

Conventional power generates around only 35% of primary energy as usable electricity and the rest is released into the atmosphere. The biogas fuel used by this system is captured from the natural breakdown of pig manure and turns a waste product into an energy source. The 2G Avus500plus unit, supplied by Evo Energy offers combined heat and power technology that guarantees advanced energy efficiency of up to 90%. This means enormous cost savings as well as a massive reduction in carbon emissions.

Martin Place will soon become the home of a 2G Agenitor 206, 220kW CHP engine

The 2G 220kW cogeneration engine will be installed by our partners, MPower on the top level of 60 Martin Place and will significantly reduce the buildings CO2 footprint and assist in achieving a 6 Star Green Star/5 Star NABERS outcome. The engine will be installed early next year, so stay tuned for more details.

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Teys Naracoorte

Evo ET have completed the install at Teys Naracoorte for the CHP part of the project. The Biological Desulphurisation plant is being installed while we wait for some final site adjustments before we can commence operation. The entire system is expected to be operational by the end of June. The CHP is an Avus500plus 550kW Biogas CHP in a 7m x 3m x 3m container module with gas dehumidification and active carbon filtration.

Evo ET Is Now A Member Of The Bioenergy Association!

The Bioenergy association represents member based in both Australia and New Zealand. They provide assistance and a wealth of bioenergy information to support members' business and promote their expertise and capabilities for undertaking activities in the New Zealand, SE Asia, Australian and the Pacific with regards to bioenergy related solutions.