5 posts

Ферма аккаунтов и ее применение by Exade

Сегодня я хотел бы поговорить о фермах аккаунтов и их применении.

Sei Network Testnet Guide / Sei Network Ambassador Programm 

Sei Network is a Tier 1 blockchain that emphasizes optimization of DEX applications. The philosophy of the project, as the creators themselves explain, is to choose one niche and create ideal conditions for its users in it.

Sei Network and everything you need to know about this blockchain 

Decentralized exchanges (DEXes) are the killer app of crypto. They are everywhere, spanning much further than just AMMs and orderbooks. DEXes are just as prevalent across NFTs and gaming as well. One of the primary use cases of NFTs today is trading them on an NFT marketplace, another example of an exchange. Most games in crypto have built-in exchanges for users to trade the in-game NFTs and tokens. DEXes command the largest network effect, major ecosystems get built around them

Sei x Black Panther, LFW, Zerocap

Sei Network does not cease to amaze and not months and weeks extends its boundaries, which is very good! Let's start to understand who became a partner of our network.

Амбассадорские программы Подробный гайд by Exade

Амбассадорская программа — это сотрудничество криптовалютной компании и обычных пользователей на самом старте проекта. Зачастую подобное сотрудничество оплачивается в: