May 5, 2023

Giorgio Mozzorecchia

Instagram: @giommoz

Date: September 2022

What is your story of fascination with football?

I started loving football during the summer of ’94, with the United States World Cup. I was 9 y.o., but I remember those days like it was yesterday; we gathered in front of the tv with my parents and their friends, and I fell in love with Roberto Baggio’s magic. Since then he’s been always my favorite player, even though from time to time I cheated on him (Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Zidane, Adriano, Milito, Henry…)

Do you create football art professionally or is it a hobby?

I wish! I am self-taught and my impostor syndrome its always there remembering me «You could not be a pro». Besides that, I am a full-time graphic designer and I cannot dedicate to illustration all the time that I’d like to.

It is just a hobby, occasionally some work shows up, but I draw mostly in my spare time. To be honest, I have to tell that I kind of like it as something I could do when I have free time, when I just want to relax and disconnect.

What football event or story has made an unforgettable impression on you?

Uhm…There are plenty of them, let’s see.

A Milan Derby in San Siro with Ronaldo scoring an amazing goal (Inter eventually won 3-0), another match I saw live in San Siro (Inter — Real Madrid 3-1, with two goals from Baggio itself), Inter’s Treble, Italy’s 2006 World Cup. Then there are the bad ones, that, as an Inter fan, are far more then the good ones and I think that could leave an even bigger mark. If I should take 3, I would say the Championship lost at the last day, won by Juventus (the infamous «5 Maggio 2002»), Ronaldo second big injury six minutes after he went back, and Adriano’s sad history and «what if» story. I’m sad now.

Do you attend the stadium, and if so, which team’s matches do you try to get to?

I used to go more often when I was living in Milan, as an Inter fan it was perfect for me. Now I’m in Barcelona and I don’t go, Camp Nou is a great stadium but the atmosphere there is quite sleepy I think.

What are your interests besides football and art?

I love tennis and Hip-Hop. And pizza.

Could you highlight a few of your works that make you especially proud and explain why?

One highlight its definitely my Project with the guys from Tacchettee, a poker cards series, with some of the most iconic character from 90’s Italian Serie A.

A project I’m very happy about.

I hope to do more of this kind in the future.

The series «For beginners», for the guys from the online magazine «Ultimo Uomo», in which I had to illustrate outside of my comfort zone, scenes from sports like Ultimate frisbee, Hockey, Foosball, among others that I am not used to draw. I actually think the results are pretty cool.

Who are your favourite football artists?



















These are some of my favorites, I’m sure I am forgetting a lot of them.