April 13, 2021

What time to wake up to be the most productive?

It is believed that waking up early morning is best because we have more time for ourselves, creativity, morning rituals, and in particular work.

To understand what is the most suitable time for waking up in the morning, let's first figure out how our biological clock works:

03: 00-06: 00 - our brain becomes active.
As long as you constantly get enough sleep, later after 4 in the morning, you will stay sharp.

06: 00-09: 00 - the best time to receive information.
Your brain will be ready to perceive new information and store it in memory exactly in this range of time. So, start working, study, and discover something new.

09: 00-12: 00 - the most productive brain activity.
This time should be devoted to the most difficult task because the level of attention is higher and the efficiency is at its peak.

You need to understand how works our biological clock to make a daily routine that takes into account both the productive hours of work and the time for ourselves.

We wish you to work efficiently and always have time to rest!